Dr. Bhakti N Patel, a doctorate from Applied Mechanics department, IIT Madras has worked in the field of mechanical modelling of micro-cantilevers. Her research was focused on developing models for studying the mechanical behaviour of micro-cantilevers. Material and geometric non-linearity was considered in the study. Dr. Bhakti's current reseacrh interets are focused on studying micro-plates that are extensively used in the field of MEMS based pressure sensors. The MEMS pressure sensors are extensively used in aerospace and medical industry.

Research interests

  • VLSI
  • Solid Mechanics
  • Non-classical theories
  • Micro-scale Structures
  • MEMS



Python (Beginner)

Abaqus (Intermediate)

COMSOL (Beginner)



Teaching interests

"SOM (Strength of materials), DOM (Dynamics of machinery), MD (Machine Design), KTOM (Kinematics and Theory of Machines), EG (Engineering Graphics)"

Professional activities

  • Attended conferences and workshops